Sunday, August 2, 2009

Professional Presence

For me, the business world and all things involved with it, has become part of my everyday life. For the rest of the people out there, sooner or later, will have to know a thing or two regarding the business etiquette. This is especially important to those who are looking and applying for a job out there. Therefore, I am here to guide you on how we can be better prepared for the near future.

"Preparation is half the battle won". This is extremely crucial in the business world. First and foremost, our grooming standards must meet the ones that are required to meet the criteria set by the business world. This means that we have to go the extra mile to look good and look presentable to the eyes of our colleagues and employers. This is because a good first impression we give to our employers, might put us in the upper hand and would get us on their good side. On the other hand, looking bad and sloppy might stain our reputation and we might not hear from them again. Impressions can be formed by various aspects:

  • Personal Appearance
  • Grooming
  • Body Language
  • First words

Our appearance and attire is a part of us. The way we walk, talk, and dress can reflect many things about our behavior, attitude and mindset.Therefore, always keep in mind this phrase "Dress For Success". Lets look at how professional Business Men and Business Woman should dress like, from top to bottom.

For Gents:


- Hair should be kept short, neat
and should not touch shirt collar.
- Facial hair needs to be trimmed,
especially in the nose and ears.

- Shirt should be well pressed.
- No wrinkles to be found
- Collar not too tight
(1 finger space)
- Sleeves should extend
1/8 - 1/4 inch below the jacket.
- Avoid dark or loud colors.
- End of tie should end at top
of belt line.
- Color of tie and color of shirt
should be contrasting.
(e.g. red tie with white shirt)
- Try to avoid jewelery/accessories.

- Needs to be well pressed.
- Pockets to remain flat with no bulge.
- Shoes needs to be highly polished.
- Black is the best.
- Shoes of best affordable quality.

For Ladies:

- Wear light, natural make-up.
- Natural hair color, highlighted tastefully
if needed.
- Recommended to tie hair into a bun if
length of hair is too long.
- Lipstick should be applied generously.

- Avoid wrinkles.
- Tailored fit.
- Avoid dark under clothing with
light shirt.
- Avoid wearing over-bearing perfumes.
- Fingernails are to be kept short.
- Avoid too bright fingernail polish.
- Avoid flashy/big accessories.

- Select neutral shades for shoes.
- Hosiery is not attention grabbing.
- No "toe-showing" type shoes.
- Avoid high slit skirts.
- Panty line must not show.
- Get shoes and skirts that fits

So all in all, the outlook and the frame of your entire body, affects how professionally you look or not. Although some of the suggestions that are given above might not look appealing to some, it offers so much more than a stylish look at the business world. It offers to the person wearing it an aura of professionalism and exudes confidence from top to bottom. Always keep in mind that fashion comes in second, next to professionalism and confidence. These are the areas by which employers are looking for in someone when they are hiring.

"Dress For Success"

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